I feel like July has been a super busy month for me.. it's been all fancy dresses, packing cases and rushing around (a lot!). But, despite running around like a headless chicken, i've had a fabulous month. It has been full of laughter and happy memories with my closest friends and family.
Here are my favourite moments in the month of July..

Definitely one of the more rushed days of the month. Starting with the fact i wasn't ready on time (a girls gotta perfect their makeup, right?!) which meant running out the door WITHOUT MY TICKETS. Although i didn't realise this until we arrived in Lancaster. Disaster. So i ran around (in heels) sorting that out and waited 45minutes for my photo taken which didn't leave much time for photos or family time. It was all a bit crazy. Overall though i
loved the day. I loved throwing my hat in the air and taking silly photos with my flatmates.Annnndddd.. not gonna lie, i enjoyed my moment on stage, being presented with my degree and celebrating my results. Of course, i'm super proud of my results. Definitely the highlight of my July, if not the whole year!
Ma Birthday

Saying Hello to the big 2 - 1. Crazy. I still feel like i'm 16, blindly finding my way through life. Considering i'm a graduate going onto post-grad, i have no idea what i want to do next week, never mind in a years time. It's such a dismantled time in life, like do i adult or do i not? Let's just not think about it for now. For the time being i'll just enjoy being a student.
I did enjoy a lovely Indian meal for my birthday with my family and boyfriend with a sophisticated glass of wine (maybe i am adulting?). Also, can we appreciate the vegan birthday cake i made for myself. So cute.
I did a full post on this trip here. I left the morning after graduation at 5am so it was a bit hectic trying to pack and get to the airport on time. Although i did love the Easy Jet hand luggage only procedure.. straight on through to the gates. It was such a lovely weekend and it felt like such a nice way to end the week of birthday and graduation celebrations. I love exploring! So overall, a perfect weekend away for me.

A birthday present i was not expecting = a new bike. I had quite a lot of trouble with my old bike which resulted in it being neglected, rusty and taken away to the rubbish tip. However, i am
over the moon with my new one and have been using quite a lot to go exploring. I love looking at new places including, finding this street art and a little nature park thing not too far from my house.Working on an international exchange programme.
At the moment i'm back at university working on the cultural exchange programme with people from Ghana, India, Pakistan, China and Malaysia. If you know me, you'll know i love meeting new people from all around the world. I'm a little chatterbox especially when it comes to strangers. So far it has been such an AMAZING experience. I've met so many cool people and found out lots of interesting facts about other countries. Plus, the Indians know how to dance! I've lead a Zumba/dance class, visited Wales, Liverpool and will be going to London. I've done art, karaoke, been to care homes.. The list goes on and i'm absolutely exhausted. But, i've enjoyed every bit of it. Only one more week to go :'(
So, there's my month of July, all compact, in a little nutshell.
How has your month been?
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