Don't you just love those lazy days where you don't get dressed, you have your pjs on, a brew in one hand and the TV remote in the other. I love those. To make it even better i'll turn the music up and head into the kitchen to see what i fancy making. Here are the efforts a
Travel: Malaysia - All about the food.
Travel: Malaysia - All about the food.
By Unknown
A few weeks ago i went on an adventure to Malaysia. A place i had wanted to go to for a while. This was a university psychology trip which entailed a lot of work, but also a lot of play. Now i thought about how to structure these Malaysia posts as i have about about a million photos
Travel: Weekend In Edinburgh.
Travel: Weekend In Edinburgh.
By Unknown
A few days ago i visited Edinburgh for two days. This is the second time i have visited and i've decided it is a city i really love. The main purpose of the trip was to visit the university as i am contemplating doing my Msc there. However, it kind of turned into a massive shopping trip. For
Recipe: Choc-a-holic - Homemade Dark Chocolates.
Recipe: Choc-a-holic - Homemade Dark Chocolates.
By Unknown
Ingredients: Dark chocolate Coconut oil Desiccated coconut Nakd bar (I used cherry bakewell) 1/2 tsp Almond extract (to compliment the bakewell bar, feel free to omit this or use a different flavour that suits you) How to: Melt half the chocolate and all coconut oil in a bowl over a pan of boiling water. Once the water has started
Blogger, vlogger, fitness inspirations..
Blogger, vlogger, fitness inspirations..
By Unknown
Girl powerrrrrrr... Oh yes that's right. I saw this quote the other day doing its rounds of Facebook:"Girls compete with each other, women empower one another". As cringey as it may seem. It is true though. As females we should stick together and inspire each other. So below are 5 females that inspire me in the fitness, blogger,
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About me
Hello! I'm Nadia, a 23 year old lifestyle blogger from Manchester, UK! I am currently living in Lincoln, UK.
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